Membership Levels

AES National Membership

You may select only one level from this group.

Level Price Action
Active Student

$35.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.


$55.00 per Year.


$85.00 per Year.


$95.00 per Year.


Chapter Membership (must be AES member to add)

You may select only one level from this group.

Level Price Action
Student Chapter

$5.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Chapter – Participating

$20.00 per Year.


Active Student- The Active Student Membership is for college students who want to be a part of the American Eurhythmics Society and learn more about applying eurhythmics to your teaching environment. Active Student members are eligible to begin the certification process. Membership includes a discount to AES conferences, access to the Seasonal Newsletter, as well as access to lessons, videos, and articles on the AES website. 

Participating The Participating Membership is for music specialists, administrators, and eurhythmics enthusiasts who want to be a part of the American Eurhythmics Society and learn more about applying eurhythmics to your teaching environment. Participating Members are eligible to begin and complete the certification process. Membership includes a discount to AES conferences, access to the Seasonal Newsletter, as well as access to lessons, videos, and articles on the AES website. 

Patron The Patron Membership is for music specialists, administrators, and eurhythmics enthusiasts who want to be a part of the American Eurhythmics Society, learn more about applying eurhythmics to your teaching environment, as well as support our Scholarship Program. Patron Members are eligible to begin and complete the certification process. Membership includes a discount to AES conferences, access to the Seasonal Newsletter, as well as access to lessons, videos, and articles on the AES website. 

Institutional The Institutional Membership is for music schools, school districts, colleges and universities who wish to provide their students and faculty with access to the materials on the AES website. Institutional membership includes a discount to AES conferences, access to the Seasonal Newsletter. Students or faculty who wish to pursue certification must have an individual membership. 

Student Chapter If you are a student and want to receive chapter membership to access chapter workshops, newsletters and more, please sign up for the student chapter membership!

***Must be an AES member to be a chapter member

You will be asked to select your chapter upon checkout

Current Chapters:

-Great Cincinnati Eurhythmics Society (GCES)

-Colorado Eurhythmics Society (CES)

Chapter Participating – If you are a participating member, or just signing up for AES and want to receive chapter membership to access chapter workshops, newsletters and more, please sign up for the chapter participating membership!

***Must be an AES member to be a chapter member

You will be asked to select your chapter upon checkout

Current Chapters:

-Great Cincinnati Eurhythmics Society (GCES)

-Colorado Eurhythmics Society (CES)